Dr. K doing ADHD comedy at CHADD 2009 (1:10)
Three minutes of a 30 minute televised interview
Interviewed for Washington Post Article: I Could Live Simpler
Interviewed for NYT Article: What We Finally Got Around to Learning at the Procrastination ...
ADHD2024 Conference (Los Angeles, CA)
2017 CHADD International Conference, Atlanta, GA (can be purchased thru CHADD)
2017 MPFTA Motion Picture Film and Television Association, Deal With It!
Procrastination and Clutter Panel
2016 CHADD International
The Struggle to Start
2016 West Los Angeles Speakers Series
2015 CHADD South Bay Speakers Series, Torrance, CA
2015 ACO: ADHD Coaches Organization (adhdcoaches.org) conference, Phoenix, AZ
No Willpower Required: ADHD-friendly Ways to Develop Healthy Habits
2014 ADDA: Attention Deficit Disorder Association (add.org) conference, Orlando, FL
Procrastination, Self-regulation and ADD/ADHD
"Routinely Productive"
2013 ADDA: Attention Deficit Disorder Association (add.org) conference, Detroit, MI
Make It a Habit
Procrastination and ADHD: What’s Going On & What To Do About It
2013 CHADD: Children and Adults with ADHD (chadd.org) - West Los Angeles chapter
Procrastination and ADHD: What’s Going On & What To Do About It
2012 International CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD - chadd.org)
When Procrastination and ADHD Collide
2011 International CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD - chadd.org
Procrastination or ADHD?
ADDiva (addiva.net)
Inattentive vs. Hyperative/Impulsive Type - with Linda Roggli
The “Procrastination Doctor” is In!
Santa Monica College: guest lecturer for advanced psychology class
ADD & Loving It / Totally ADD documentary filmmakers interview for upcoming project
ADD Talk Radio interview on procrastination
ADDA webinar series: multiple presentations
L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center: In-service for psychology interns
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult ADHD
*Available as Continuing Education (CEUs) for mental health professionals and educators at CHADD.org.